Wedding Photography Business Courses

I work with a range of businesses and individuals, from fledgling, amateurs right through to full-time, professional wedding photographers.

My wedding photography business courses are unique to each client, with learning content specifically tailored towards the needs of the photographer I’m working with. 

Topics vary greatly, for instance the management of enquiries and bookings is exceptionally easy to neglect but so crucial to success. I’ll show you what’s worked for me over the past decade-and-a-half and how to avoid the pitfalls. 

My advice and guidance across marketing and pricing, shooting and editing as well as client communications, customer service, software and systems, not forgetting camera and technical approach, will leave with all the information required to succeed.

Wedding photography business training can take place via Zoom or in person.

Zoom sessions are 2 hours but there’s the option to purchase additional 2 hour blocks to cover more topics, or one specific topic in greater detail.

Topics that could be discussed include:

  • Defining your audience, pricing up your packages, setting sales targets, variable and fixed expenses, up-selling, seasonal booking patterns

  • Tried and tested organic strategies, what can realistically be achieved, who (and how) to target your audience, search intent and relevancy, generic v long tail strategy, optimising for conversions through site design

  • Setting up and managing an effective Google Ads

  • Social media channels, automation, tone of voice and messaging

  • Creating referrals through venue, customer and competitor relationships

  • Portfolio development – defining a unique style

  • Camera & lens advice and approach

  • Apps and systems; timesaving, profitable apps and productive processes


“A genuine desire to see others grow and succeed. Exceptionally business savvy, he’s helped me improve my business in a significant way.

I’d reached a point where I’d photographed quite a number of weddings but knew I my business and marketing strategies were letting me down.

Thank you for helping me get my business to the next level.” 

"An honest approach - so easy going but covers a massive amount of topics; from infrastructure through to workflows and marketing to name just a few.

I can’t recommend him enough enough - to any photographer at any stage in your career. You’ll come away with precious gems to take home, reflect and build your business."